Aravind Prabhakar

Systems Engineer | Networking | Security | PreSales | Cloud | Devops | AIOps

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1 June 2024

Gopacket! a simple low performance traffic generator

By Aravind

Every network engineer at some point in their career would want to use a traffic generator to test out features, functionalities of various network designs, protocols etc. over the years, people have implemented various tools/software to address this problem both from vendors and opensource perspective. Go-packet-crafter was created for a very specific test case and ended up being generalized for other use cases eventually ended up being a simple traffic generator.This is not a high performance traffic generator, but rather a simple one to hook up to your containers, VMs to generate traffic and validate your findings. You could use this along with your virtual or containerized router to test out firewall filters, passing traffic over mpls tunnels etc

Clone the package

git clone

Install dependencies

Linux binary

The linux binary is already present in the repo as go-packet-gen and can use this directly on the linux (debian) systems if the above requirements are satisfied


Help function

                      ____         ____            _        _      ____            __ _
                     / ___| ___   |  _ \ __ _  ___| | _____| |_   / ___|_ __ __ _ / _| |_ ___ _ __
                    | |  _ / _ \  | |_) / _ |/ __| |/ / _ \ __| | |   |  __/ _ | |_| __/ _ \  __|
                    | |_| | (_) | |  __/ (_| | (__|   <  __/ |_  | |___| | | (_| |  _| ||  __/ |
                     \____|\___/  |_|   \__,_|\___|_|\_\___|\__|  \____|_|  \__,_|_|  \__\___|_|

go packet crafter


  -h  --help         Print help information
  -S  --sip          Source Ip address to use as outer IP header
  -D  --dip          Destination IP address to use as outer IP header
  -s  --sport        Source Port in outer IP header. Can be single integer or a
                     range 1000-2000
  -d  --dport        Destination Port in outer IP header. Can be single integer
                     or a range 1000-2000
  -t  --type         Type of packet. Can be tcp, udp, icmp. if icmp then dont
                     mention source and dest ports.
  -l  --mpls         Mpls labels. Can be single integer or a label stack such
                     as 1000,2000,3000 . In this case the first label would be
                     bottom of the stack
  -p  --payload      optional payload string. if not provided, will use
                     'payload' as the payload in the packet
  -m  --smac         source MAC address
  -M  --dmac         destination MAC address
  -v  --vni          vxlan vni id
  -x  --inpkt        Inner packet in hex format which can be used
  -T  --teid         TEID of GTPv1u packet. For the inner packet which is
                     tunneld, use inhex vals
  -i  --interface    Interface over which we need to send the created packets
  -P  --promiscuous  Optioinal param to enable Promiscuous mode for the
                     interface which is a boolean value. use true to enable and
                     false to disable. default is false if not mentioned
  -H  --hexprint     Optional param to print HEX data of the created packet.
                     you can then use any decoder like wireshark or online
  -n  --numpkt       Number of packets to send over wire
  -I  --iptype       IP type. ipv4 or ipv6

Few pointers

Usage examples

Generate a TCP packet (SYN) and send the packet over interface eth1

./go-packet-crafter -S -D -t tcp -m 02:42:AC:13:00:03 -i eth1 -s 1000 -d 1000 

./go-packet-crafter -S -D -t tcp -m 02:42:AC:13:00:03 -i eth1 -s 1000-1002 -d 1000-1002 

Generate a UDP packet and send over interface eth1

./go-packet-crafter -S -D -t udp -m 02:42:AC:13:00:03 -M 01:AD:01:23:fa:fb -i eth1 -s 1000 -d 1000 
./go-packet-crafter -S -D -t udp -m 02:42:AC:13:00:03 -M 01:AD:01:23:fa:fb -i eth1 -s 1000-1002 -d 1000-1002 

Generate an ICMP packet and send over interface eth1

./go-packet-crafter -S -D -t icmp -m 02:42:AC:13:00:03 -M 01:AD:01:23:fa:fb -i eth1 

Generate a TCP/UDP packet with MPLS label[s]

./go-packet-crafter -S -D -t udp -m 02:42:AC:13:00:03 -M 01:AD:01:23:fa:fb -i eth1 -s 1000-1002 -d 1000-1002 -l 1000
./go-packet-crafter -S -D -t udp -m 02:42:AC:13:00:03 -M 01:AD:01:23:fa:fb -i eth1 -s 1000-1002 -d 1000-1002 -l 1000,1001,1002,1003

Use an interface in promiscuous mode

./go-packet-crafter -S -D -t udp -m 02:42:AC:13:00:03 -M 01:AD:01:23:fa:fb -i eth1 -s 1000-1002 -d 1000-1002 -l 1000 -P true

Send a number of packets over the interface

./go-packet-crafter -S -D -t udp -m 02:42:AC:13:00:03 -M 01:AD:01:23:fa:fb -i eth1 -s 1000-1002 -d 1000-1002 -l 1000 -n 100
/go-packet-crafter -S -D -t tcp -m 02:42:AC:13:00:03 -M 01:AD:01:23:fa:fb -i eth1 -s 1000 -d 1000 -H true

Create a packet with range of IP addresses and send out of interface

IP addresses can be in ranges. i.e. each octet you can define the range that is needed. The range is split with a “-“ followed by “.” following IP addressing schemes.


In the above, There would be packets created with the below IPs [,,,,,,…….]

Create a VXLAN packet

This has to be done in 2 steps.

  1. Create the inner packet and print the hex string
    ./go-packet-crafter -S -D -t tcp -m 02:42:AC:13:00:03 -M 01:AD:01:23:fa:fb -i eth1 -s 1000 -d 1000 -H true

    This will create a packet and print out a hex string such as 01ad0123fafb0242ac130003080045000031000000000006629eac130001ac13000203e803e80000000000000000500200002b410000676f7061796c6f6164

  2. Use the created inner packet in hex format and feed it as input to the vxlan packet. The destination port for vxlan has to be 4789 else wireshark doesnt decode as expected
    ./go-packet-crafter -S -D -t udp -m 03:41:AC:13:00:02 -M 03:41:AC:13:00:01 -i eth1 -s 1000 -d 4789 -v 1000 -H true -x 01ad0123fafb0242ac130003080045000031000000000006629eac130001ac13000203e803e80000000000000000500200002b410000676f7061796c6f6164

Create a GTP-U packet

This will also be done in similar process as the VXLAN. i.e. 2 step process. Create the inner packet first and feed it as input to the GTP packet

./go-packet-crafter -S -D -t tcp -m 02:42:AC:13:00:03 -M 01:AD:01:23:fa:fb -i eth1 -s 1000 -d 1000 -H true

This will create a packet and print out a hex string such as 01ad0123fafb0242ac130003080045000031000000000006629eac130001ac13000203e803e80000000000000000500200002b410000676f7061796c6f6164

  1. Use the created inner packet in hex format and feed it as input to the GTP packet. use the -T flag for TEID value. Also note that destination port is 2152.
    ./go-packet-crafter -S -D -t udp -m 03:41:AC:13:00:02 -M 03:41:AC:13:00:01 -i eth1 -s 2152 -d 2152 -T 1000 -H true -x 01ad0123fafb0242ac130003080045000031000000000006629eac130001ac13000203e803e80000000000000000500200002b410000676f7061796c6f6164

Create an IPv6 packet

Currently there is a limit of single source IP and destionation IP. Range of IPaddresses within a subnet is WIP

root@ubuntu:~/go-packet-crafter# ./go-packet-gen --smac 02:aa:01:40:01:00 --dmac 02:aa:01:10:02:01 -I ipv6 -i eth1 -t udp -S 3010:1122:1101:0100:0000:0C08:0A01:0001  -D 2001:db8:1111:2222:0078:0100:2000:0000 -s 1090 -d 80 -n 1000000
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