Aravind Prabhakar

Systems Engineer | Networking | Security | PreSales | Cloud | Devops | AIOps

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23 January 2023

Compiling proto files in golang

By Aravind

Follow the below steps in order to compile proto files in golang. Juniper has JET APIs which can be used to program BGP routes, firewall filters, any junos config over gRPC channels. The IDLs can be downloaded from Junipers download page. Follow the below steps to compile

Install gRPC protoc compiler

use the below docker file

FROM golang:1.19

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install unzip

RUN curl -OL && \
    unzip -o -d /usr/local bin/protoc && \
    unzip -o -d /usr/local include/* && \
    rm -rf

RUN go get -u && \
    go get -u && \
    go get -u

COPY jet-idl-21.4R3.15 /app

WORKDIR "/app"

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]

Build the container using

docker build -t gojet:latest .

Start the container

docker run -itd --name gojet -v ${PWD}:/app gojet:latest

Enter the container

docker exec -itd gojet bash

mention the optional gopackage in all the .proto files

Below is a snippet of the Junos JET IDL. note that option go_package line. The path is relative path from root. The compiled proto file will be present in the mentioned directory. This directory would be automatically created in case it does not exist.

syntax = "proto3";
// [brief]: JET Routing Base Package.
package jnx.jet.routing.base;
option go_package = "/app/proto/jet/jnx/routing";
// [version]: 0.0.0
import "jnx_common_addr_types.proto";
// [version]: 0.0.0
import "jnx_common_base_types.proto";


protoc --proto_path=<absolute path > <absolute path to .proto file> --go_out=plugins=grpc:. --plugin=protoc-gen-go=<path to protoc-gen-go>


protoc --proto_path=/app/proto/proto/ /app/proto/proto/jnx_routing_base_types.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:. --plugin=protoc-gen-go=/go/bin/protoc-gen-go

compile from the base followed by the ones hvaing dependencies

For example compile jnx_common_base_types and jnx_common_addr before compiling jnx_authentication.


protoc --proto_path=proto/ proto/jnx_routing_base_types.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:. --plugin=protoc-gen-go=/go/bin/protoc-gen-go
protoc --proto_path=proto/ proto/jnx_routing_bgp_service.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:. --plugin=protoc-gen-go=/go/bin/protoc-gen-go
protoc --proto_path=proto/ proto/jnx_authentication_service.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:. --plugin=protoc-gen-go=/go/bin/protoc-gen-go
protoc --proto_path=proto/ proto/jnx_common_addr_types.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:. --plugin=protoc-gen-go=/go/bin/protoc-gen-go
protoc --proto_path=proto/ proto/jnx_common_base_types.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:. --plugin=protoc-gen-go=/go/bin/protoc-gen-go
protoc --proto_path=proto/ proto/jnx_management_service.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:. --plugin=protoc-gen-go=/go/bin/protoc-gen-go


Once compiled you would the files based on the directory mentioned in the proto file

root@b667831b2f5e:/app# tree jnx/
`-- jet
    |-- auth
    |   `-- authentication_service.pb.go
    |-- common
    |   |-- jnx_addr.pb.go
    |   `-- jnx_base_types.pb.go
    |-- prpd
    |   |-- prpd_common.pb.go
    |   `-- prpd_service.pb.go
    `-- routing
        `-- bgp_route_service.pb.go

How about compiling proto files in python ?

upgrade pip if not already done

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

setup a virtual env

python -m pip install virtualenv

create a virtual env

python3 -m venv <path-to-venv>

activate the virtual env

source <path-to-venv>/bin/activate

Upgrade pip and install grpc

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install grpcio

install grpcio-tools. This contains protoc which is necessary to compile the proto files

python -m pip install grpcio-tools


python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I../../protos --python_out=. --pyi_out=. --grpc_python_out=. ../../protos/helloworld.proto
[ linux  golang  ] tags: linux - golang