The below nomenclature is used to write this document
Optional: [ ]
Input param: < >
using traceoptions
traceoptions can be enabled in various hierarchies specific to each protocol. This helps in immediate identification based on the type of the issue.
set <protocol> traceoptions flag <all/specific.. hit "?" to display the available options>
set <protocol> traceoptions file <name> size <size. example 100m>
show route
show route table <table name>
show route protocol table <table name>
ping source [rapid count ] [routing-instance ]
traceroute [routing-instance ]
show interfaces [detail/extensive/terse]
show route hidden table inet.0
show route summary
monitor interface
show log messages
show chassis alarms
show chassis hardware detail
show chassis fpc
show bgp summary
show bgp neighbor
show route receive protocol bgp [extensive/detail/expanded-nh/hidden]
show route advertising procotol bgp [extensive/detail/hidden]
show ospf route
show ospf database [summary/detail/summary]
show ospf database area <nssa/opaque-area/network/link-local/router/lsa-id> [detail/extensive]
show ospf neighbor [detail/extensive/brief]
show ospf interface [detail]
show ospf statistics
Forwarding table
show route forwarding-table destination
The below are services related.
show security flow session
show security flow status
show security flow statistics
show security policy
show log messages [ in case logging is enabled ]
show security ike security-association
show security ike security-association index <#> detail
show security ipsec security-association
show security ipsec security-association index <#> detail