Proxy apt connections from ubuntu server/vm to your macbook
By Aravind
Proxy HTTP and HTTPS Connections
sometimes you may want to proxy connections from your ubuntu server to another machine. lets say you want to proxy connections from a device (a server in your lab) to your laptop so that apt-packages can resolve. one can do that by installing squidman on MAC to run it as a proxy server. follow the below steps to try it out!
Proxy the connections from ubuntu server on VPN
Install Squidman to run MAC as a proxy server . you can download from here
- once squidman is installed, go to the
tab . - http port is by default 8080. This can be left alone unless you have a different application using the same port
- click on tab
and add the subnet of the interface where traffic would be arriving from the client device.- for example: my lab server is connected over VPN so , i will look at the IP allocated to the interface using
utun2: flags=8050<POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1400 inet w.x.y.z --> w.x.y.z netmask 0xffffffff
- in case there is no VPN , look at the wifi/wired interface where you receive the IP of your device
- for example: my lab server is connected over VPN so , i will look at the IP allocated to the interface using
- add the IP range in the
tab usingnew
Export env variables to proxy http and https connections to the laptop/new proxy server
Ensure, the client device (lab server) can reach the proxy server IP (your VPN interface or your wired/wireless interface in case of no VPN) and export the ENV variables.
Here the IP
is w.x.y.z
which is the IP we retrieved earlier and
is 8080
which is the default port used in squidman
Edit apt configs
Edit/add the apt.conf to reflect the changes.
Note: In case the configs dont exist, create the file
root@ubuntu:/ more /etc/apt/apt.conf
Acquire::socks::proxy "socks5://w.x.y.z:8080";
Note that w.x.y.z is the interface IP (VPN or wired/wireless) of the proxy server.
Once the above is done, try doing a apt update
or apt install <PACKAGE NAME>
to see if every http/https request for apt is proxyd though your new proxy server
tags: linux